Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chacracter Traits

What are some of the character traits that are revealed about Milo in Chapter 1? In what ways are you similar to or different from Milo?


How did Milo end up in the Doldrums? In what ways do the Doldrums resemble Milo's character and attitude? How did you think the Lethargarians got their name?

Say a Little in Summary

At the end of Chapter 4, Milo expresses that he never knew that words could be so confusing and Tock replies, "Only when you use a lot to say a little." Explain how Tock's statement relates to writing a summary. Write a 4-5 sentence summary of Chapter 4.

Short Shrift

Research the phrase "short shrift" and explain why it is such an appropriate title for Chapter 5.

Numbers or Words

Faintly Macabre explained that Azaz the Unabridged and Mathemagician had a huge argument over which was better, numbers or words. If you had to choose one, which would you argue is more important - numbers or words? Explain your answer.

Pun-y Business

A pun is a humorous play on words. During the Royal Banquet, there are many words that are taken very literal during the meal. List a few of the puns and explain how they were used to create humor for the reader.

Seeing Imaginary Things

Alec Bings explained to Milo that "imaginary things are often easier to see than real ones." Explain what he meant by this. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?